Sweta Ghelani, President of Novartis Pharmaceuticals: “I wish someone had told me twenty years ago, You can do it!”
Doctoral student from the Faculty of Medicine, Monika Makutienė, participated in the 1st European Occupational Therapy Congress in Poland
Resetting Our Clocks – What is the Impact on Human Health? An Interview with Associate Professor Vaida Taminskienė
Psychiatrist Indraja Veličkienė Discusses Neurodiversity: “Our different ways of seeing and experiencing the world contributes to our civilisations and inventions”
From Organoid Cultivation to Digital, Cancer Fighting Tools: The New Medical Science Centre Boasts Remarkable Innovations
Students from the Faculty of Medicine Participated in the Annual Sports Event, Medimeisterschaften 2024, in Germany
Assoc. Prof. Marija Jakubauskienė Begins New Role as Director of Institute of Health Sciences at Faculty of Medicine
Representative from the Faculty of Medicine Attended the Queen Silvia Nursing Awards Ceremony in Sweden