
Psychological Counceling

Vilnius University students can receive professional psychological support when they have doubts before making important decisions, when they feel lonely, have disputes with friends or family members, have romantic relationship troubles, are excessively shy, suffer from anxiety, prolonged or severe sadness or debilitating fears, are affected by personal trauma, divorce, loss of family members or serious illness, have work or study related problems, eating disorders, or abuse alcohol or drugs.

Professional psychologists and psychotherapists provide individual consultations, as well as consultations in groups or pairs (family counseling).
Psychological consultations are provided in psychological counseling rooms available in VU Faculty of Philosophy (Universiteto str. 9/1 in Vilnius) and Faculty of Physics (Saulėtekio ave. 9 in Vilnius).
Student counseling is funded by Vilnius University, therefore special payment conditions are applied – 75 percent of the student counseling service price is compensated.
Seminars and workshops are also regularly organized for community members on relevant topics related to mental health improvement (e.g., coping with stress, reducing procrastination, self-discovery and creativity development, etc.). VU community members also receive discounts for these events – 75 percent of the price is compensated for students.



Psychological Counseling and Training Centre

Fill the registration form HERE. To select another language, click on the top right of the page.

Phone: +370 5 268 72 54