Course Information
Year 1 | |
Semester 1 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Compulsory courses: | |
Human Anatomy I/II | 5 |
Human Histology | 5 |
Biochemistry | 5 |
Latin and Professional Language | 5 |
Human Biology and Genetics in Dentistry | 5 |
Elective courses (ECTS): | |
General University Subjects (GUE) | 5 |
Semester 2 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Compulsory courses: | |
Human Anatomy II/II | 5 |
Fundamentals of Microbiology. The Eco-System. | 5 |
Human Physiology | 5 |
Introduction to Dentistry. Legal Aspects and Management of Dental Care. Ethics. | 5 |
Public Health and Dental Public Health | 5 |
Elective courses (ECTS): | |
General University Subjects (GUE) | 5 |
Year 2 | |
Semester 3 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Compulsory courses: | |
Basics of Pathology | 5 |
Basics of Professional Communication and Psychosomatics. Psichiatry. | 5 |
Clinical Practical Skills Development I/IV p. | 5 |
Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment of Dental and Oral Diseases I/VI p. | 10 |
Elective Courses (ECTS): | |
General University Subjects (GUE) | 5 |
Semester 4 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Compulsory courses: | |
Pharmacology. Clinical Pharmacology. Laboratory Medicine. | 5 |
Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment of Dental and Oral Diseases II/VI p. | 15 |
Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases and Course of Internal Diseases | 5 |
Fundamentals of Radiology: General Radiology and Dental Radiology | 5 |
Year 3 | |
Semester 5 | |
Compulsory courses: | ECTS credits |
Basics of Diagnosing and Treating Childhood Diseases | 5 |
Clinical Practical Skills Development II/IV p. | 5 |
Fundamentals of Anesthetics and Reanimatology. First Aid. | 5 |
Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment of Dental and Oral Diseases III/VI p. | 10 |
Prosthetic Dentistry II/VI | 5 |
Semester 6 | |
Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment of Dental and Oral Diseases IV/VI p. | 10 |
Clinical Practical Skills Development III/IV p. | 5 |
Basic Neuroscience | 5 |
Prosthetic Dentistry II/IV p. | 5 |
Oral Surgery I/II p. | 5 |
Year 4 | |
Semester 7 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Compulsory courses: | |
Fundamentals and Preparation of Research Project I/III p. | 5 |
Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment of Dental and Oral Diseases V/VI p. | 15 |
Prosthetic Dentistry III/IV p. | 5 |
Oral Surgery II/II p. | 5 |
Semester 8 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Compulsory courses: | |
Fundamentals and Preparation of Research Project II/III p. | 5 |
Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment of Dental and Oral Diseases VI/VI p. | 10 |
Fundamentals of Maxillofacial Surgery. Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases. | 5 |
Orthodontics | 5 |
Prosthetic Dentistry IV/IV p. | 5 |
Year 5 | |
Semester 9 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Compulsory courses: | |
Clinical Practical Skills Development IV/IV p. | 5 |
Fundamentals and Preparation of Research Project III/III p. | 5 |
Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of the Stomatological System | 20 |
Semester 10 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Compulsory courses: | |
Internship | 20 |
Master Final Thesis (Study field: Dentistry) | 5 |
Final Examination | 5 |
Programme Description
The objectiveThe programme of Dentistry is aimed at educating dentists, which is a state-regulated profession. It’s design is in accordance with the general requirements for the integrated studies which are set out in the valid legal documents of the Republic of Lithuania and are also fully consistent with the requirements laid down in the European Directive 2005/36/EC. The programme in Dentistry encompasses compulsory subjects of theoretical and practical teaching. Each discipline tries to maintain a balance between the theoretical and the practical approach in order to maintain the level of university education.
Career opportunities
The goal of the Dentistry study programme is in accordance with the mission of VU and aims to prepare dentists of high-qualification who on graduation should: have a broad academic dental education and be able to work in all areas of clinical dentistry; be trained in biomedical science; be able to work together with other dental and health care professionals in the health care system; have good communicative skills; be prepared to undertake continuing professional development supporting the concept of life-long learning; be able to practice evidence-based dentistry based through a problem solving approach, using basic theoretical and practical skills.
Access to further studies
A graduate can be employed in commercial structures dealing with medical equipment or pharmaceutical companies, however, for independent medical practice further studies are needed. Access to the postgraduate (residency) studies is in accordance with the legal acts of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania and the other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.
Course Information
Year 1 | |
Semester 1 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Human Anatomy I/II | 10 |
Human Histology I/II | 5 |
Human Biology and Genetics | 5 |
Introduction to Medical Studies | 5 |
Latin and Professional Language | 5 |
Semester 2 | |
Course Unite Title | ECTS credits |
Human Anatomy II/II | 5 |
Human Histology II/II | 5 |
Biochemistry | 5 |
Psychology, Basics of Professional Communications and Psychosomatics | 5 |
Human Physiology I/II | 5 |
GUE (General University Education) | 5 |
Year 2 | |
Semester 3 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Human Physiology II/II | 5 |
Microbiology I/II | 5 |
Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases and Basics of Clinical Oncology I/II | 5 |
Public Health | 5 |
Nursing Practical Skills Development | 5 |
GUE | 5 |
Semester 4 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Pathology I/II | 5 |
Microbiology II/II | 5 |
Applied Anatomy, Basics of Radiology | 5 |
Pharmacology I/II | 5 |
Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases and Basics of Clinical Oncology II/II | 5 |
GUE | 5 |
Year 3 | |
Semester 5 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Pathology II/II | 5 |
Pharmacology II/II | 5 |
Obstetrics | 5 |
Radiology | 5 |
Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology; General Surgery | 5 |
Pulmonology, Allergology and Clinical Immunology; Chest Surgery I/II | 5 |
Semester 6 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Infectious Diseases and Dermatology I/II | 5 |
Eye Diseases | 5 |
Ear, Nose and Throath Diseases | 5 |
Gynaecology | 5 |
General Paediatrics and Neonatology I/II | 5 |
Pulmonology, Allergology and Clinical Immunology; Chest Surgery II/II | 5 |
Year 4 | |
Semester 7 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Gastroenterology and Abdominal Surgery | 10 |
Neurology and Neurosurgery I/II | 5 |
Infectious Diseases and Dermatology II/II | 5 |
General Paediatrics and Neonatology II/II | 5 |
Laboratory Medicine | 5 |
Semester 8 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Traumatology, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation | 5 |
Cardiac and Vascular Diseases | 10 |
Neurology and Neurosurgery II/II | 5 |
Clinical Practical Skills Development II/II | 10 |
Year 5 | |
Semester 9 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Nephrology and Urology | 5 |
Reumatology and Endocrinology | 5 |
Clinical Genetics and Bioinformatics | 5 |
Adult, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy | 10 |
Children Diseases and Surgery I/II | 5 |
Semester 10 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Medical Ethics, Medical Law, Forensic Medicine | 5 |
Internal Diseases, Family Medicine, Haematology, Geriatrics | 10 |
Children Diseases and Surgery II/II | 5 |
Critical Care Medicine, Transfusiology and Toxicology | 5 |
Clinical Pharmacology; Emergency Medicine | 5 |
Year 6 | |
Semester 11 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Internship and Preparation of Final Thesis I/II | 30 |
Semester 12 | |
Course Unit Title | ECTS credits |
Internship and Prepartion of Final Thesis II/II | 20 |
Internship Examination | 3 |
Final Thesis Defence | 2 |
Final Examination | 5 |
Programme Description
The objectiveA holder of doctor’s professional qualification possess: adequate knowledge of the sciences on which medicine is based and a good understanding of the scientific methods; sufficient understanding of the structure, functions and behaviour of healthy and sick persons, as well as relations between the state of health and physical and social surroundings of the human being; adequate knowledge of clinical disciplines and practices.
Career opportunities
A graduate can be employed in commercial structures dealing with medical equipment or pharmaceutical companies, however, for independent medical practice further studies are needed.
Access to further studies
Access to the third cycle (residency) studies in accordance with the legal acts of the
Alumni Comments

Ortal Berger, born and raised in Tel Aviv, Israel, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Vilnius University in 2019. He is the first Israeli student from his course, a country who was the only one to pass a license exam in Israel his home country and obtain a license to practice medicine. He dreams of becoming an obstetrician - gynecologist, but is also interested in other medical fields.
It was a great honour for me to study at Vilnius University. I had some made considerable strides into my future endeavour to become a good doctor. I think that Vilnius University should be top ranked for the love of humanity. Rules and regulations are made for the safety and welfare of the people, not just to be followed blindly. Vilnius University understands the problems of the students, their personal problems, their health conditions, and acts accordingly. It helped us to become perfect doctors with all qualities that a doctor is supposed to have.
Nagamani Sunkireddy, originally Indian, graduated from Vilnius University in June, 2018. Currently she lives in the UK and works as a doctor in National Health Services, at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Buckinghamshire Health Care NHS Trust.
I am sure, that my beloved Vilnius University is among the top universities in the world. Staff and members of the academic community of Vilnius University meet international standards and are well experienced in discharging their duties. The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Algirdas Utkus is a highly respected personality, very reasonable in nature. He is an exceptional leader. In spite of a lot of challenges in our student life, Prof. Vaiva Hendrixson, the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medical was always there for us. I CANNOT thank her enough for her time, dedication, support, protection expressed to us all during our years of studies at Vilnius University. She is just the best. It was a great honor to have been a student of this great University. I am ambitious about becoming a great doctor – one who is empathetic, observant, kind, patient, quick at learning and acquiring new skills and knowledge. And also, a very good team player, as every alumnus of the great Vilnius university!
Chimamkpa Udochukwu Ibe, a young Nigerian currently lives in Germany and works as an assistant doctor in the Department of the Internal Medicine (Cardiology) at the Ambulantes Herzzentrum in Dortmund.