MF Best Teachers 2023: Study Programs in English
This spring, Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine (VU MF) held elections for the best teacher in each study program. Students of the faculty's bachelor's, integrated, master's, and English-language study programs were invited to participate in the survey and express their opinions on who should be selected as the best teacher.
We are delighted with the results of this year's best teacher competition and invite you to get to know the nominees better. This time, we interviewed teachers of study programs in English – asking them to share their impressions of receiving feedback, reveal what makes a good teacher for them, and answer the somewhat tricky question – what makes a good student?
Vaida Baltrūnienė / MF archive
Vaida Baltrūnienė (Student-elected Best Teacher in the English-language Medical Studies program)
"I accept the nomination for the best teacher as a sign of trust and encouragement to improve the quality of teaching. I am very proud of this evaluation!" said Dr. Vaida Baltrūnienė, a neurologist teaching in the English-language Medicine study program. According to her, a good teacher should not only be a professional in their subject but also approachable to students, capable of engaging them. "The professors of pathological physiology had the greatest influence on my life – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nijolė Janulevičiūtė and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rimgaudas Kazakevičius. They are true erudites, experts in their field, and at the same time warm individuals whom you can always turn to for help or advice. As a student, I tried to attend their seminars always well-prepared, not so much for a good grade but because they were real authorities whom I did not want to disappoint. It was the first department where we, third-year students, were addressed as 'colleagues.' Professionalism, respect, and sincere care for students were felt in every seminar," shared the doctor. When asked what a good student is, she responded, "A good student is curious, motivated, actively involved in activities during classes, and also kind-hearted, not afraid to make mistakes."
Assoc. Prof. Saulius Drukteinis / MF archive
Saulius Drukteinis (Student-elected Best Teacher in the English-language Dentistry program)
"It's very gratifying to hear that students see in me a sincere helper, advisor, and, ultimately, a friend. This further obliges me, encouraging to seek ever new, more original forms of communication and teaching oriented to each student, allowing not only to achieve the best results but also to create a warm, comfortable, and mutually acceptable learning environment," said Assoc. Prof. Saulius Drukteinis, a dentist teaching in the English-language Dentistry program. According to him, the mission of a good teacher is to help the student “get sick” with the desire to know the "disease" and, once "infected," provide as much help as possible on the path to understanding and mastering essential concepts. "A teacher must help the student choose scientifically based and, at the same time, optimal and innovative sources of information, understand each student's abilities, and find ways to direct the student in an individual, most suitable direction for learning and improvement," said the professor. He emphasized that a good teacher must be demanding, first of all, to oneself, constantly improving, analyzing one's behavior and methods, striving to act correctly and humanely. Finally, a good teacher must be humane, sensitive, ready to help the student not only professionally but also on a human level," said professor S. Drukteinis. When asked what makes a good student, the teacher responded, "It is a young person who strives to become an excellent representative of their profession, develop various competencies, explore the world in the deepest and broadest sense. A good student also realizes that not only professional but also human qualities are necessary for every good doctor. A good student can not only learn well or diligently pursue a set goal but also engage in various activities, be socially active and responsible. Ultimately, such student is a sincere, empathetic, and simply good person."
Prof. Aidas Alaburda / MF archive
Aidas Alaburda (Student-elected Best Teacher in the English-language Systems Biology program)
"The award for the best teacher is a very gratifying and pleasant appreciation. I am grateful to my students for that," said Professor Aidas Alaburda, teaching in the English-language Systems Biology program. According to the professor, one of the peculiarities of this study program is the diversity of the foundations that students have. "Teaching, material, practical exercises have to be organized in a way that allows students to truly understand the subject. It is very important for students to see that they can overcome increasingly complex tasks. I think this is very motivating. A large part of the students, especially master's students, are not only deeply involved in their studies but also working individuals. They come to classes with different moods, perhaps tired, so for me, as a teacher, it is very important to look at it with understanding. The received evaluation only confirms that finding common ground with students is still successful," shared the teacher. When asked who was a good teacher in his life, he responded, "Being a good teacher is not just an accurate presentation of the subject matter but also how one communicates with students, with colleagues, how academic activities are organized collectively. I was very fortunate that in my life, it was the supervisors of doctoral and postdoctoral studies who not only shared their knowledge with me but also inspired me by their personal example." According to Prof. Alaburda, a student's achievements depend not only on themselves but also on the teacher, while a good student, like a good teacher, must be motivated and put in effort.