© Photo from personal archive
On November 23 of this year, the Biology, Medicine, and Geosciences Section of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences organized the 16th Lithuanian Young Scientists' Conference "Bioethics: Perspectives of Natural and Life Sciences." During the conference, Milda Girdenytė, a researcher and doctoral student at the Pharmacy and Pharmacology Center of the Faculty of Medicine at Vilnius University (VU MF) and at Uppsala University in Sweden, delivered a presentation on the topic "Comparison of the Passage of Paclitaxel through CNS and PNS Barriers between Male and Female Rats after the Administration of Paclitaxel Dissolved in Cremophor EL/Ethanol, Albumin-Bound, and Micellar Paclitaxel." The presentation was prepared based on the results obtained from the doctoral project conducted jointly by VU and Uppsala University in Sweden. During the presentation, preclinical research results were shared, indicating that nab- and micellar paclitaxel formulations, compared to paclitaxel dissolved in Cremophor EL/ethanol, result in greater paclitaxel exposure in the peripheral nervous system. The results partially explained why patients receiving nab- and micellar paclitaxel formulations have a higher risk of developing chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy compared to those receiving paclitaxel dissolved in Cremophor EL/ethanol.
The conference aimed to review the latest fundamental and applied research results in the fields of biotechnology, nanotechnology, biochemistry, biomedical sciences, and geosciences. The conference proceedings were organized into three sections: General Biology and Geosciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Biotechnology, and Medicine and Health Sciences.
More information about the conference can be found here.