

20231003 PEK 1Prof. Emeritus Vaidutis Kučinskas, Prof. Dalius Jatužis / © FM archive

On 28 September 2023, members of the board of Vilnius University Professors Emeriti Club (VU PEC)—President Prof. Emeritus Vaidutis Kučinskas, Vice President Prof. Emeritus Antanas Feliksas Orliukas, and Dr. Habil. Valdas Stanislovas Laurinavičius met with the Dean of the VU Faculty of Medicine (VU FM) Prof. Dalius Jatužis. During the meeting, the activities of the VU PEC and the opportunities for cooperation between emeritus professors and scientists in the biomedical field of study were presented to the Dean.

At the meeting, Prof. Jatužis told about the current challenges and activities of VU FM. He was pleased to note that medical and dental studies remain popular both at home and abroad, and that the study programmes change and evolve on a regular basis. “Today students have a large selection of possibilities what to study and can structure part of their studies by choosing courses offered by different faculties. This certainly fosters their broader vision, but also raises concerns about how to ensure the appropriate professional training.” The Dean also talked about the construction of the new Science Centre and the challenges of planning the future space. “We are trying to attract research teams from Lithuania and abroad,” the Dean noted and added that professors emeriti were a very important part of the VU community, especially when it came to science. “They can objectively assess the progress and changes that take place over time. Closer cooperation with the members of the VU PEC would be beneficial for young scientists, who often have great ideas but lack expertise.” 

The President of the VU PEC agreed with the Dean that cooperation was necessary. “The biggest benefit for young scientists is project activities. We are all experts in the field of projects and we would really like to share our experience and insights. The emeriti are no longer employed, so there is no conflict of interests, but they still have the energy and wish to help the university.” 

The VU PEC, established on 11 October 2018 by the efforts of a steering group, is exclusive and unique in Lithuania. The mission of the VU PEC is to bring together emeritus professors from different VU divisions for intellectual communication and to encourage their active involvement in the academic life of their Alma Mater.

The title of Emeritus Professor was introduced at VU in 2005 (the procedure for awarding the title was approved by the meeting of the VU Senate on 3 March 2005). “The Emeritus Professor is considered to be ‘a science (art) professor who has reached the statutory retirement age and has terminated their contract of employment with VU, and who has been awarded the title (status) of Emeritus Professor by the Senate for outstanding achievements in science, art or pedagogical activities’.” An emeritus professor must have at least 30 years of scientific work experience and at least 5 years of teaching experience in the capacity of the professor at a core VU division. 

Many emeritus professors publish articles in the journals with high citation rates, write and publish monographs, give guest presentations at national and international conferences, participate in the editorial boards of periodical science publications, supervise doctoral students and contribute to public education activities as a continuation of their active years at VU. Using their accumulated experience, VU PEC members actively seek to contribute to the development of the VU strategic plan and activities of solving certain problems.

More information about VU PEC.