From the left: Artūras Šaltis, Jekaterina Bortkevič. The second from the right: Prof. Vaiva Hendrixson. Photo: Lina Kocienė
In December 2022, a meeting between the administration of the Faculty of Medicine at Vilnius University (VU) and their partners – the MediStart agency took place in Hamburg (Germany). During the meeting, the parties discussed the admission plans for the academic year 2023-2024, and other opportunities and prospects.
Karina Krasnicka , a representative of MediStart, welcomed the fact that even before the start of the admission process at VU, applications have been submitted, and the interest in the possibility of studying in Vilnius is increasing. Prof. Vaiva Hendrixson, the Vice-Dean for Education and Strategic Partnership at the Faculty of Medicine, expressed hope that the admission results next year will be gratifying. “It is clear that the pandemic, and then the war in Ukraine, have had negative consequences for studies in the English language. Some of the potential students who planned to study abroad stayed in their home countries or postponed their studies for the time being. Although there were admissions to the Faculty of Medicine, we really felt the increased anxiety of the applicants. I would like to believe that next year everything will go more smoothly,” she explained. Both parties at the meeting agreed that it was very important to communicate not only about opportunities, but also about challenges clearly and effectively, and the communication guidelines for the next year were discussed.
Additionally, the possibility of practical training and internships at hospitals in Germany was raised. The aim of the VU Faculty of Medicine is to ensure that such opportunities would be available not only to international students, but also to Lithuanians. The process is already off to a good start, with several Lithuanian students completing their internships in Germany. “Hospital feedback about VU students is excellent, so they are very welcome in the future,” noted Karina Krasnicka.
The meeting was also attended by the Head of the VU Admissions Department, Artūras Šaltis, the Head of the Department of Studies of the Faculty of Medicine, Jekaterina Bortkevič, and the Head of the Communication Department of the Faculty of Medicine, Lina Kocienė.
Hamburg. Photo: Lina Kocienė