

Vilnius University Library and the Faculty of Medicine presents new eLearning platform for Medical students! Activate your account now to start learning and teaching by Osmosis: Osmosis

Osmosis is a health education platform with the mission of empowering students, faculty, and clinicians with the most engaging, effective and efficient learning experience possible. Osmosis provides educational videos, practice questions, flashcards, and high-yield notes to an audience of over 1 million students and health professionals worldwide.

Designed for curricular support and test preparation, the Osmosis platform helps users learn and synthesize vast amounts of medical content by applying established learning science principles, including spaced repetition, the testing effect, and interleaved practice. Globally, tens of million of videos have been viewed and hundreds of millions of flashcards and questions have been answered using the Osmosis platform.

More about eLearning platform: Faculty preview: supporting teaching and learning with Osmosis (

Updates on Anatomy course for students: Updates about Osmosis Anatomy (