

52864156998 f671ec22d5 cProf. Natalja Istomina. VU MF archives.

Prof. Natalia Istomina, Director of the Institute of Health Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine at Vilnius University has been awarded the title of Academician by the European Academy of Nursing Science (EANS). This is the first time that a representative of nursing science from Lithuania and indeed, Eastern Europe, has received such recognition.

“This is a huge lifetime achievement award for me personally and brings with it high profile recognition. It is a very honourable and special acknowledgment for a scientist, and at the same time it recognises Lithuania’s place in nursing science across Europe and globally. It is obvious that we are moving in the right direction. Lithuanian nursing science is on an equal footing with that in the USA, UK, Scandinavia and Western Europe, and is helping us raise the prestige of the nursing profession,” said professor Istomina while sharing her impressions. She added that the recognition from the EANS will not only contribute significantly to the appreciation of the scientific work she has already completed and open up prospects for the further development of nursing science, but also encourage the growth of the social impact of nursing studies, science, and practice. This is one of the key indicators that nursing science at Vilnius University is recognised among the best in Europe, and that the studies are of high quality because they are based on the highest standards.

Those holding the title of Academician at the EANS are full members of the academy, who have demonstrated, through their scientific and academic work, a significant and distinctive contribution to the activities of the EANS and to European nursing science. They are internationally renowned, active nursing scientists of exceptionally high repute, residing in Europe, with extensive scientific experience and a proven scientific impact on nursing research. In addition, the academicians have made a societal impact in the field of nursing at a national and/or European and/or international level. They are established figures in nursing research who have made a significant contribution to the advancement of nursing science in Europe through scholarly work and research. They also have a recognised track record in scientific publications and funded research projects.