

On June 13, 2024, a meeting of the Clinical Medicine Institute (KMI) of the Faculty of Medicine (MF) was held at the VU Botanical Garden to discuss ideas for translational research conducted by scientists and the challenges accompanying their implementation. This meeting provided an excellent opportunity for institute employees to present the new Medical Sciences Center, which will open this fall, and its Translational Health Research Institute (TSTI), as well as to introduce the capabilities the institute will offer to researchers. The meeting also included a presentation of changes to the leadership of the institutes, newly appointed by the Faculty of Medicine Council: Professor Dr. Tomas Poškus became the director of TSTI, and Professor Dr. Eugenijus Lesinskas took over as director of KMI.

The meeting began with a greeting from the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Dalius Jatužis. Associate Professor Dr. Karolis Ažukaitis, the Vice Dean for Science and Innovation at the MF, introduced the new direction and vision for translational research at the Faculty of Medicine. During a presentation by Dr. Andrius Kaselis, Chief Specialist for Science Center Development, attendees learned more about translational research, its structural execution, and the opportunities offered by the laboratories of the new institute.

The second part of the meeting was dedicated to generating and refining translational science ideas among the Clinical Medicine Institute's staff. The chosen format – “Shark Tank” – is based on the popular American reality show designed for presenting business ideas to field experts.

Eight scientists' ideas were selected for three-minute presentations, which were then discussed by a “shark” team comprising MF Dean Prof. Dr. D. Jatužis, Director of the Institute of Biosciences at the Life Sciences Center Prof. E. Lastauskienė, Vice Dean for Science and Innovation Assoc. Prof. Dr. K. Ažukaitis, Director of the State Pathology Center Prof. A. Laurinavičius, and Chief Specialist for Center Development Dr. A. Kaselis. This interdisciplinary team provided valuable feedback to the authors of the ideas, indicating possible solutions to the issues raised and suggesting ways to improve the ideas. The event received high praise, allowing the authors to get specific advice on collaboration opportunities and ways to refine their research ideas, while other participants gained insights into their colleagues' work and the challenges they face.

At the end of the meeting, participants had the opportunity to discuss questions informally, share scientific ideas, and exchange collaboration proposals. It is hoped that this successful event will lay the foundation for continued collaboration among scientists and eventually become a tradition within the Faculty of Medicine.

202406_KMI.jpgMeeting of the Clinical Medicine Institute / Personal archive photo

Do you have an idea for translational research but lack the knowledge to implement it and are looking for collaboration opportunities? Please contact Dr. Andrius Kaselis ().